St Stephen's Infant School

St Stephen's Infant School

SSIS invests love and care in all we do

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St Stephen's Infant School

  1. About Us
  2. Vision & Values

SSIS invests love and care in all we do 

SSIS Vision, Values & Mission Statements


Since 2006 our vision for St. Stephen's Infant School has been the driving force behind the school's continued improvement 

The staff and governors remain committed to ensuring St. Stephen's Infant School gives all its learners the best possible start to their full-time education.

We have revisited and reviewed our vision every 3 years since 2006.

All stakeholders have been involved in creating our 2023-2026 vision and setting our strategic direction.

As part of this process we identified our 'core values' that we believe need to underpin the work of the school.

The teaching and modelling of our core values and principles helps children to prepare for life in modern Britain. 

[Please click here to read how we promote British Values at SSIS}

Our vision statement sets out where we are heading as a school and informs our school development planning.

Our values statement reflects the core principles by which we agree to work as a team to achieve our vision.

Our mission statement describes how we are working towards realising our vision.


SSIS Vision Statement 2023-26

Imagine a school where everyone feels loved, valued and that they truly belong.

Imagine a school that nurtures children to become confident, resilient and respectful individuals.

Imagine a school that empowers children to achieve excellence in all they do.

Imagine St Stephen’s Infant School.


SSIS Values.

Our core values inform how we design and implement our curriculum:

Inclusiveness and Diversity

Valuing all members of our community.

Celebrating uniqueness, difference and equality.

Achieving together and supporting each other.

Adapting our provision to ensure we empower all children to excel.  



Valuing a sense of belonging and togetherness.

Having an open door into a happy, fun and secure environment that promotes friendship and teamship.

Forging links with our community and beyond.

Encouraging and fostering a connection to the environment and the natural world.



Looking after others and ourselves.

Taking it in turns and listening to each other.

Understanding different points of view.

Being polite and respectful of others.

Respecting our environment and living in a sustainable way.



Modelling, recognising and valuing kind behaviour.

Promoting kindness in our everyday interactions with each other.

Helping children to develop empathy.



Showing sensitivity towards others and being mindful.

Recognising each other’s emotions and being understanding and supportive.



Encouraging the personal growth of our children, staff and parents/carers through our passion for lifelong learning.

Understanding that learning is about the journey and not necessarily the destination.

Challenging ourselves to be curious, confident, creative, reflective and determined individuals.

Practice makes progress. Our First Attempt in Learning (FAIL) is the starting point and there is no limit to where we can go from there………..



Modelling curiosity by asking questions and immersing ourselves in the world around us.  

Embracing children’s interests and providing them with time to lead their own learning.



Modelling, scaffolding and encouraging play.

Approaching each day with humour and a positive outlook.

Having FUN!

Trying new experiences and setting ourselves challenges.



Understanding that we are all on our own learning journey.

Recognising and celebrating achievement in all areas of personal growth. 


SSIS  Mission Statement 

SSIS invests love and care in all we do

Our mission statement describes how we are working towards realising our vision.

We belong

SSIS is welcoming, inclusive and outward-looking.

We explore and celebrate diversity - everyone is valued.

We work hard to build positive relationships within our school community and to ensure the children feel happy and safe.


We nurture

SSIS celebrates the uniqueness of every child.

We adapt our provision to enable children with additional needs to thrive and succeed.

We support the emotional, mental and physical health of everyone in our school community.

We treat children with dignity and help them to recognise and manage their feelings; to understand the importance of making right choices; of being open-minded and respectful of others.

Our values come to life through our ‘Teamship’ - how we work together and support each other.


We learn

SSIS children learn to play and play to learn.

Children learn to be effective learners by developing a growth mindset and an understanding of our Elli learning characters.

We promote the development of all staff and use coaching as a tool to support personal and professional growth.


We teach

SSIS curriculum inspires the children to take part in new experiences and to seize opportunities to learn new knowledge, skills and develop their cultural capital.

We prioritise the teaching of reading and strive to enable all children to become confident, independent readers by the time they leave SSIS.

We use research and evidence-based professional learning to inform our teaching practice.

We collaborate with other schools and embrace approaches which make a positive, sustainable impact on our school.

We plan, we do, we review.

We create and maintain high quality enabling environments inside and outside the school.


We excel

SSIS has high expectations for the children’s social and academic development.

We celebrate effort, resilience, progress, teamship and beautiful work.

We strive to achieve excellence in all we do.


SSIS School Development Plan (SDP)

Our annual SDP details actions that will help the school to improve and work towards realising our vision.

Our governors help draft the plan  which contains clear actions for stakeholders to complete.

We review the plan throughout the year.

Please click here to visit our School Development Plan page.