St Stephen's Infant School

St Stephen's Infant School

SSIS invests love and care in all we do

Welcome to

St Stephen's Infant School

  1. Parents/Carers
  2. Parent Link & Inclusion Officer

Parent Link & Inclusion Officer

Ms Emma Fuller

My name is Emma Fuller and I am the new Parent Link and Inclusion Officer at St. Stephens.

Having worked with children, and their families, for over 16 years, there’s rarely a time where I am shocked and get asked a question that has never been asked before – consequently I have picked up lots of knowledge, tips and suggestions along the way.
I’m also a mum so have already navigated the early years, and primary school years (having now been well and truly thrown into the secondary school age) and I firmly believe that once you get through one phase (and their ups and downs) I find myself firmly into a new phase that has me questioning everything all over again!
Please do come and find me if you need to talk something through, get some advice or anything else in between. Sometimes it’s not about having the right answers and being able to make a problem go away – it’s about having someone listen and be there for you.
I’m around in the Parent Link Room most mornings and afternoons so do come and find me if you need to. Alternatively, drop me an email  or give me a call on 01454 866470 and we can go from there.’


What kind of help can I offer you and your family?

I can offer guidance and support in the following areas:

  • Establishing routines at home to help with punctuality and attendance
  • Supporting your child’s behaviour at home and at school
  • Sign post you to any agencies that may be able to support you and your family e.g. Bereavement support, speech and language services and medical issues

    Financial difficulties - debt management, Food Bank vouchers etc


If you would like to discuss any issues with me I am available most mornings and afternoons in the Parent Link Room with a cup of coffee ready!

If this isn’t convenient for you then please feel free to contact me either by email or phone to arrange a better time.



Useful Contacts

Here are the contact details of some organisations that can support you:

Free phone 24 hr National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247 

Run in partnership between Women’s Aid & Refuge

LIFT Psychology South Gloucestershire - offers a variety of services to people experiencing depression, anxiety, stress, relationship difficulties 1:1 sessions available and signposting to specialist services. or contact on 0117 3784270

 Kingsmeadow Community Flat - range of support available including emotional support, counselling, after school fun for the kids, computers, debt and benefit advice etc ALL FREE! Call 0117 9048425 or 07584258707.

Bourne Family Project - adult counselling, play therapy, parenting courses, food bank advice etc. Call 0117 9478441.

Supportive Parents

The local Parent Partnership Service in South Gloucestershire. Supportive Parents are an  independent organisation offering a free, confidential and impartial service to any parent who has a concern about their child’s education. Their aim is to provide you with all the information you need to understand the SEN process and improve your child’s education experience.

Information & Support Line is 0117 989 7725. It is available Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10am – 2pm during term time, and an answer phone at all other times.



South Gloucestershire Local Coordinator: Kathryn Mason

If you have any concerns or worries about your child’s SEN provision call us!


1 Big Database

Website about a wide range of services for young children, young people, their parents and carers and professionals in Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol and South Gloucestershire. Information includes:

o    Housing Education Health

o    Money Matters Family Support Employment

o    Play and Leisure Facilities Community Groups

o    Drugs Information Service



Children and Young People Information Service

The information service can sign post you to various areas of support.

o    Childcare Child & Family Support

o    Children & Young People’s Education

o    Family Welfare Grants & Tax Credits

o    Helpline Parent Support

o    Recruitment Training

o    Work-Life Balance

o    Youth

Tel: 01454 868008



South Glos Parents and Carers

South Glos Parents and Carers for families with children with additional needs and disability



Nationwide Support