Elli Future Skills Characters
As part of our vision we are committed to enabling the children to develop as confident and adaptable learners.
Our Elli Future Skills characters help us realise this vision.
The Elli characters are used throughout the school to focus children on the different ways they learn.
We read the Elli story to introduce the characters to the children.
Click here to read the Elli story. (This is a large file and takes time to open)
Staff use the characters to model, teach and share the different characteristics of effective learning.
Each class has a set of Elli characters and they are also displayed around the school.
Children are encouraged to develop their awareness of the Elli future skills.
Staff praise and reward children with Elli character stickers.
e.g. if a child has 'made changes to their learning' their learning they may earn a Chameleon sticker.
Every Friday members of the teaching staff nominate 'Star Learners' from each class.
Children are nominated for showing different Elli future skills.
e.g. 'Congratulations Danny you are Star Learner as you challenged yourself like Challenge Chimp when learning how to work with money.'
The children find out who the Star Learners are in our Friday Celebration Assembly.
Each Star Learner receives a sticker, certificate and a phone call home from the Headteacher to share the good news!
So if your child comes home from school saying 'I learned like the Tortoise today' you now know what they are talking about!
For more information regarding the Elli Future Skills characters please contact Mrs Perris - our Leader of Learning.